Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

DSCF0562.JPG3 viewsAbove the initial switchbacks and into the sun lit east bound sections above Trail Creek. It is still nice and cool. The backlit vegetation makes this section especially scenic. The mosquitoes like it too, encouraging me to hasten my pace.
DSCF0563.JPG3 viewsThese are my favorite pines. I identify them with early hikes in Yosemite. After all these years I'm still not certain which pine it is. I like the pattern on the bark. I think it is a Jeffrey pine, but it could be a sugar pine. If you know, you can contact me on
DSCF0564.JPG3 viewsThe wildflowers already looked stressed at this low elevation.
DSCF0566.JPG3 viewsThe second crossing of Trail Creek. A nice place for a snack. This group caught up with me while fooling around with the camera, trying to figure out what setting I inadvertly changed on my camera, resulting in a dramatic red shift in the image. Hooray! I fixed it!
DSCF0567.JPG3 viewsJust upstream from the crossing, I saw a couple gals to the left of the log, who had managed to completely lose the trail. This happens fairly often at stream crossings. They were delighted that I suggested a route to get them back on track.
DSCF0568.JPG3 viewsThe volume of water in Trail Creek suggests to me that the runnoff from snomelt peaked a few weeks earlier, lessening my anxiety about crossing the North Fork of Baron Creek.
DSCF0569.JPG3 viewsI hiked this section once with a botanist who knew the names of every plant in Idaho. Now I wish I'd asked that person more questions.
DSCF0570.JPG3 viewsWell past the signpost marking the turnoff for Trail Creek Lakes, the views open up to the southwest as the trail climbs north toward Stanley. Through the burned trees, one can see the Monte Verita ridge rising above Baron Creek, well to the south.
DSCF0571.JPG3 viewsObservation Peak to the north, toward Stanley Lake
DSCF0572.JPG3 viewsThe Monte Verita ridge extends northwest towards Grandjean and includes Tohobit and Grandjean Peaks. Hidden from view, to the southeast (left) on this same ridge is Warbonnet Peak. The ridge culminates at Monte Verita, a complex group of granite spires at over 10,000 feet, southwest of Baron Lake.
DSCF0573.JPG3 viewsTohobit Peak, left, and Grandjean Peak, right, on the Monte Verita ridge. At 11:30 a.m., vertical development of cumulus over the ridge portends afternoon thundershowers.
DSCF0574.JPG3 viewsThe first lingering snow on the trail at 8000 feet, approaching the turnoff for McGown Lakes to the east. I can remember approaching this junction from the north, roughly fifteen years ago, while a fire was burning in the area I'm hiking through now.
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