
IMG_4141.JPG11 views

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IMG_6649.JPG11 viewsThe higher of the Born Lakes.

IMG_6650.JPG11 viewsAscending the gully to the saddle above Four Lakes Basin. The higher of the Born Lakes can be seen in the valley below.

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IMG_6659.JPG11 viewsCastle Peak above Four Lakes Basin. A rather conspicuous cairn puts the minds of those who don't realize they are in the correct saddle at ease.

IMG_6654.JPG11 viewsLooking north into Ants Basin from the saddle between Born Lakes and Four Lakes Basin.

IMG_6203.JPG11 viewsOrange light bathes the shore. We had one other party camped further west of us.

DSCF0512.JPG11 viewsSome fall color in the fading light. It is now 7:45 pm. Half an hour later I arrive at the trail head. There is just enough light to drive most of the 4 mile dirt road out to the highway.
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