
IMG_3203.JPG19 viewsWe worked our way down the benches about 1/3 the width of photo from the right edge. About 2/3 of the way down, it was easier to zigzag back to the south, and descend some ramps into the gully.

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IMG_3365.JPG19 viewsCamp at Goat Lake.

IMG_3384.JPG19 viewsThe second, larger lake, in the basin above Goat Lake. We ran into a group coming down, and took their advice, finding that it was easier to navigate the left (east) side of the first two lakes.

IMG_3385.JPG19 viewsI also learned that they had successfully fished this lake using spinning gear. Encouraging news, since I carried my pack fly rod and reel up here on top of 3 plus lenses and a DSLR.

IMG_3390.JPG19 viewsThe professor has a snack in the passage above the second lake that leads to the meadows where we established our higher camp.

IMG_3386.JPG19 viewsPeak west of lake, in the basin above Goat Lake.

IMG_3393.JPG19 viewsThis seems like a great place to camp, below Thompson Peak.

IMG_3397.JPG19 viewsWe decide to get an early start for the peak Sunday morning, and relax and enjoy the beauty of our surroundings; something we don't seem to do since we never seem to allow enough time to accomplish what we set out to do. I intend to catch trout for dinner.

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