Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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DSCF0247.JPG24 viewsIt has taken almost two hours since crossing Warm Springs Creek to reach the climb at the mouth of Iron Basin. Watson Peak rises due north. The route becomes steep, with a trail appearing when most needed. It is nice to see water flowing out of Iron Basin, at least for now.
DSCF0249.JPG24 viewsWatson Peak above Iron Basin to the NE. I ended up having to lose some elevation after heading E too soon. I figured I could always stay on the ridge and continue N without losing elevation if I was in error. I quickly realized I was heading toward an unnamed lake at 8900’, and headed back to the NW. It was steep, and there was no advantage in staying on the ridge. I paid a heavy price for this unnecessary diversion later in the day crossing the saddle between WCP9 and D. O. Lee Peak.
DSCF0252.JPG24 viewsAt 9100’, Iron Basin opens up to the E. While still in the narrower canyon just below, I could see these bighorn sheep on the steep slope to directly ahead to the north. I quickly changed lenses behind a fallen tree. They were already aware of my presence, and started moving west on the steep slope. I counted 14.
DSCF0270.JPG24 viewsLooking west; Watson Peak on the left above Iron Basin. I have not crossed any water since leaving camp.
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IMG_5876.JPG23 viewsThe first tarn in the basins above Goat Lake. Thompson Peak looms closer.
IMG_6579.JPG23 viewsTalus-plagued west ridge of Leatherman Peak rises from the pass.
IMG_6583.JPG23 viewsThe view toward Borah Peak from Leatherman Pass. Trail visible in lower part of photo.
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