
IMG_6582.JPG24 viewsThe Professor takes it easy on Leatherman Pass, 4.1 miles from the trailhead and camp. Lemhi Range rises in the distance.

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IMG_3185.JPG24 viewsThe summit of Snowyside Peak is on the skyline, about 2/3 to the right in the photo.

IMG_3192.JPG24 viewsWide view of the entire Pettit Lake drainage from the notch.

IMG_3194.JPG24 viewsWe contoured north, northwest to the benches leading down to Twin Lakes, descending the ridge, behind which is seen the right one third of the northern of the Twin Lakes. The ridge becomes exposed in the lower section. We descended into the main drainage to the south, working back toward the notch. It might be easier to contour from the notch all the way to ridge which descends to the saddle between Twin Lakes and Toxaway Lake, then descend using the trail, bypassing Twin Lakes completely.

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IMG_3496.JPG24 viewsThe clear blue waters at the outlet of the 'unnamed lake' below Thompson Peak at roughly 9000'.

IMG_3532.JPG24 viewsTraversing the east side of Goat Lake seemed much more difficult than it had the day before. It's already 6:40 pm, and we have not reached the outlet. We ended up reaching our car at about 10 pm, a much longer descent than I had estimated. It was a long day, but a fantastic one-- and not the first time we returned to Iron Creek trailhead after dark!

IMG_7836.JPG24 viewsThe outlet of Goat Lake. Thompson Peak is the distant peak left of the couloir rising above the far end of the lake. Mickey's Spire is directly above the couloir. Thompson Peak is ascended from the saddle between the two.

IMG_7901.JPG24 views2 miles southwest as the crow files, North Raker is the unmistakable shark fin centered on the mid-distant ridge. No easy route on this peak; grade 3, class 6. Outstanding view while ascending to Ingeborg Lake above Spangle Lake in 2013.

IMG_7907.JPG24 viewsLooking back toward the Thompson Peak/Mickey's Spire saddle (center, behind arete leading down from Thompson). We took advantage of the snow to expedite our descent.

IMG_7911.JPG24 viewsMike at the entrance to the basin leading to the Thompson Peak/Mickey's Spire saddle. The couloir drops off steeply beyond. Our camp lies 1000 vertical feet below, about dead center in the photo.
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