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IMG_7856.JPG25 viewsThe big day has arrived! At 7:01, we are nearing the top of the steep couloir leading to the basin directly below Thompson Peak. With good route finding, we have avoided climbing on the frozen snow in the couloir.

IMG_7866.JPG25 viewsWe had seen several others short-cutting through the scree below the south face of Thompson Peak from the Thompson/Williams saddle--not a route I would have taken--but we were taken by surprise at just how many were already up there. Someone counted a total of 31, including a young man and his dog, who spent the night on the summit! We gingerly stepped over to the northern-most of the split summit blocks.

IMG_7902.JPG25 viewsSoutheast, beyond Grand Mogul on the right, toward Finger of Fate in the distance.

DSCF0263.JPG25 viewsDead tree; Iron Basin, 9200’.

DSCF0269.JPG25 viewsThis summit, viewed from the eastern end of Iron Basin, is simply labeled “Calkens 11477” on the topo map. From here, the descent to Ocalkens Lake starts gradually…

DSCF0311.JPG25 viewsThe view to the ENE. As recent regulations require fires to be built at least 200 yards from the lake, I prepared a spot to cook my trout up and away from my camp, and the lake. Earlier, I cooked the smaller trout. I’m now thinking about cooking the larger one, as the cloud development could easily result in thundershowers this evening. It is now 5:35 pm.

DSCF0314.JPG25 viewsThe vertical development over D. O. Lee Peak is a good indicator thundershowers are not far off. Within 20 minutes, it starts pouring, accompanied by wind, thunder and lightning. I retreat to my tent, taking apart my fishing pole. I rains hard for 45 minutes and abruptly ceases. Now all I have to do is get the fire going so I can cook the big trout—a task which proves to be much more difficult than I thought, even using my cartridge stove like a flame-thrower! At least there is still enough light…

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IMG_1591.jpg24 viewsSwimming below Mt. Heyburn.

IMG_6481.JPG24 viewsSoutheast from the pass at 7900' toward upper Pahsimeroi Valley.
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