
IMG_6577.JPG30 views

IMG_3172.JPG30 viewsLooking east from the saddle between the lake basin west of Snowyside Peak and lakes 9167' (lower right) and 9050' above Alpine Creek and Alturas Creek Road. Our route into the Pettit Lake drainage via Twin Lakes lies just left of the two outcrops on the ridge leading down from the upper left corner of the photo.

IMG_7871.JPG30 viewsTotality; I never saw a distinct shadow racing in from the west. It was more like a highly compressed sunset. It got cold! Thompson Peak is 10251'; the highest in the Sawtooth. I heard jet aircraft.

IMG_7877.JPG30 viewsPeople busied themselves with an array of recording devices. Many had carried tripods to the summit. Some held the inexpensive viewing glasses in front of point-and-shoot cameras.

IMG_7898.JPG30 viewsWe hang out on the peak for another hour, taking photos, and wait for the crowd to descend. Too much loose rock!

DSCF0274.JPG30 viewsMy goal for today is to cross the saddle between WCP9 and D. O. Lee Peak, the second saddle to the right in the frame, due east of Bighorn Basin. Ocalkens Lake is in the lower left. In the interest of saving some time, I decide not to descend to the lake, contouring south at an elevation of 9300’ directly into Bighorn Basin. I still am carrying enough water to get over the saddle.

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IMG_6501.JPG29 viewsTrail toward Merriam Lake.

IMG_3090.JPG29 viewsTaking a break at a tarn on the saddle between Vernon and Ardeth Lake.

IMG_3231.JPG29 viewsMattingly Peak and the Sawtooth Crest rise above Alice Lake.

IMG_3321.JPG29 viewsWhile cooking dinner, the clouds descend to the lake. Within minutes it is pouring rain. We eat dinner comfortably in the tent, having made the correct decision. It rains for an hour and a half, stopping long enough to hang our food, and get ready for bed.

IMG_7873.JPG29 viewsPeople cheered as the corona became the only source of light. Someone said it was OK to view it without protective lenses.
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