Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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IMG_3229.JPG34 viewsOne of the nurses took our photo posing with Fred, and the other Llamas.
IMG_1593.jpg33 viewsIt's colder than it looks!
IMG_3216.JPG33 viewsA group of nurses who had packed into Alice Lake with Llamas invited us for a glass of wine and conversation.
IMG_7937.JPG33 viewsThe pollinators were busy doing their part!
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DSCF0304.JPG32 viewsA rare shot of the author holding the one that didn’t get away. A rainbow about the same size broke the line where the tippet met the leader in a few inches of water, and headed for deep water, taking my grasshopper dry fly with him! After tying on a new leader, adding tippet, and tying another grasshopper to the end of the tippet—a project which takes me much longer than it should—I hooked into this rainbow on the first or second cast. Needless to say, I was extremely careful about landing the fish.
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IMG_7894.JPG31 views11:33 am; it's as though the sun is coming up again, but the increase in brightness is happening much faster.
IMG_7896.JPG31 viewsAn afterthought; with the 1.4 extender on the 70-200, I train the camera on what most people photographed, without much luck!
DSCF0303.JPG31 viewsWest form the inlet of Cove Lake to the saddle between D. O. Lee Peak (left) and WCP9. I never tire of watching the shadows of clouds traverse these peaks. It’s only 11:15 am, and already clouds are building. The weather report, already three days old, indicated a 50% chance of thunderstorms yesterday (which did not disappoint), with a 20% chance today. The smoke and haze has vacated for the time being; Hooray!
IMG_1274.jpg30 viewsWe must be over the rainbow!
IMG_1550.jpg30 viewsThreatening sky; beach at Sockeye Campground on the northeast side of Redfish Lake.
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