
DSCF0916.JPG1 viewsI crossed Warm Springs Creek at a place where it had divided into two channels, making it easier.

DSCF0918.JPG1 viewsWCP-8 (10557') on the right. The pyramid shaped peak below the higher large cumulus is WCP-6 (10777').

DSCF0919.JPG1 viewsThe entrance to Iron Basin. There is an intermittent trail. There is usually some water flowing down to Warm Springs Creek. I didn't see it this time as I began angling up too soon. The initial steep climb levels out, and there is a small creek to get water. I took enough to camp for the night in the event I did not find the stream around the 8700' elevation in Iron Basin. The next water was Ocalkens Lake.

DSCF0921.JPG1 viewsI was glad I had taken enough water with me to spend the night as I failed to find the stream around the 8700' for the second year in a row. I'm not carrying a GPS or altimeter, which would make navigation easier, and my pack heavier. There is a lake at about 8900' E of Iron Basin. I have yet to climb up to it.

DSCF0922.JPG1 viewsI didn't even set up the tent. Temperature was very comfortable. Unlike last year, there was very little condensation, so it was easy to get going quickly in the morning.

DSCF0923.JPG1 viewsWhen The full moon rose last night, it was so bright I had to shade my eyes with my hat to sleep well; so much for the stars and what was left of the Perseid meteor shower.

DSCF0928.JPG1 viewsAlpenglow; Watson Peak to the E.

DSCF0929.JPG1 viewsNorth wall of Iron Basin E of Watson Peak. I've seen numerous Bighorn Sheep on this slope, but not this year or last. There were two mountain goats on this slope further E last year. The arch formation is cool.

DSCF0930.JPG1 viewsIron Basin is wide open. The gradual climb from one meadow to the next is enjoyable, and still cool at 9:30 am.

DSCF0933.JPG1 viewsApproaching the E end of Iron Basin. My objective, the saddle between D. O. Lee Peak and WCP-9 is just around the corner to the SE.

DSCF0934.JPG1 viewsLooking back W to Watson Peak. The slope on the right (N) is where I've seen Bighorn Sheep as well as mountain goats on previous trips.

DSCF0935.JPG1 viewsJust ahead is the steep drop to Ocalkens Lake, and the entrance to Bighorn Basin further S. The saddle between D. O. Lee Peak and WCP-9 is now in view on the right skyline marked by a pine in the foreground. From that same pine, one can see the start of the route up which lines up with the ridge in the foreground and the left edge of the foreground pine. The route digonals up 45 degrees to the left, ascending to a rock outcrop almost to the skyline. This is difficult to see clearly because WCP-9 is still backlit. It becomes much clearer the closer one gets.
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