
IMG_9951.JPG1 views

IMG_9956.JPG1 viewsInteresting formamations on the divide west of Beartooth Mountain.

IMG_9957.JPG1 viewsA telephoto view (280 mm) past Donelson Lake, all the way back (southeast) to Island Lake's boat launch site.

IMG_9960.JPG1 viewsA telephoto view (280 mm) southwest to ridge above and across Route 212, the Beartooh Pass Highway east of Cooke City, MT.

IMG_9967.JPG1 viewsA telephoto view (280 mm) of southwest ridge of Sky Pilot Mountain just below summit.

IMG_9990.JPG1 views

IMG_9998.JPG1 viewsThe other side of this saddle at west end of Maryott Lake basin drops very abruptly to Crystal Lake. The preferred route goes south from here.

IMG_8851.JPG1 viewsIndian Paintbrush along Middle Fork Bishop Creek.

IMG_8859.JPG1 viewsBlue Lake.

IMG_8853.JPG1 views

IMG_8857.JPG1 viewsThe professor looking west from Blue Lake.

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