Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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DSCF0948.JPG2 viewsFrom just below the saddle, Cirque, Sapphire, and Cove Lakes of the Big Boulder Lakes Basin. I plan to camp at the inlet to Cove Lake, the lower of the three lakes. There is noticeably less water flowing into Cirque Lake from the S. Green algae has been left behind by the receding water level.
DSCF0950.JPG2 viewsThe outlet of this tarn marks my descent route. Nice to be out of the worst of the wind!
DSCF0958.JPG2 viewsLooking SSE across the inlet to Cove Lake. It is still breezy. After setting up the food hang and tent, I've decided to fish in the morning. The light suggests picking up the camera, rather than the fly rod.
DSCF0960.JPG2 viewsESE across Cove Lake from the inlet on the W side where I've camped once more. The breeze is still blowing.
DSCF0962.JPG2 viewsSame angle, but with a 24mm focal length. The breeze calmed down a bit while swapping lenses; I was now able to pick up some nice reflections in the water.
DSCF0965.JPG2 views9:50 pm when the moon finally rises above the peaks due S from the inlet at Cove Lake. 78 mm, the wide end of the telephoto. The lens has optical stabilization, but I still used one one-hundredth of a second, and was able to utilize a reasonably low ISO of 1600. The Fujifilm XT-2 lacks the low light capability of my Canon 5D II, but it is so much lighter! This has been a long day. I'm looking forward to a good night's rest, and a layover day in the Big Boulder Lakes basin.
DSCF0972.JPG2 viewsMoon, WSW of the inlet at Cove Lake; 200 mm; 6:57 am.
DSCF0973.JPG2 viewsThe wide end of the telephoto at 55 mm to give some perspective; due S of D. O. Lee Peak.
DSCF0975.JPG2 viewsLast alpenglow; the saddle between D. O. Lee Peak and WCP-9; 15 mm. Just a minute ago the alpenglow was more intense, but cloud cover in the east has greatly reduced the affect. One more chance at this tomorrow morning! Much like last night, a veil of clouds has softened the light.
DSCF0979.JPG2 viewsMoonset, WSW of the inlet at Cove Lake; 200 mm; 7:06 am.
DSCF0982.JPG2 viewsAlpenglow; the saddle between D. O. Lee Peak and WCP-9; 22 mm. The sun has risen above the cloud veil of photo DSCF0975, and the color is more dramatic.
DSCF0986.JPG2 viewsI took a photo (DSCF0964) from the same perspective the night before, but the alpenglow is more pronounced this evening. There are no clouds between the setting sun and the landscape.
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