Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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DSCF0492.JPG2 viewsThe wind is already picking up.
DSCF0498.JPG2 viewsThe notch I descended late the day before. I'm not positive which notch it is; most likely, just left of the outcrop in the center. The foreshortening effect of the long lens makes it appear worse than it was.
DSCF0500.JPG2 viewsA wide angle lens makes it look quite a bit easier.
DSCF0505.JPG2 viewsJust past 5 pm, I arrive at Frog Lake, and pause to admire some trail bikes parked near a huge and have a snack. A bow hunter emerges from the tent and we chat. I learn it is over 8 miles to the trail head, and a good part of that is the climb up Red Ridge. I had not looked closely at the map, and assumed it was all downhill! Half an hour later, I am well on my way up the ridge, seeing Frog Lake far below.
DSCF0421.JPG2 viewsSignpost indicating trail to Observation Peak vicinity of McGown Lakes turnoff.
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DSCF0449.JPG2 viewsThe peaks in the distance rise above Barron Creek. I begin to think we might get a thundershower, but it doesn't materialize.
DSCF0617.JPG2 viewsDescending switchbacks on the west facing slope to the junction with the main Baron Creek Trail, and the second crossing of the North Fork Baron Creek. I never reached direct sunlight the remainder of the hike, so the temperature was comfortable!
DSCF0619.JPG2 viewsThis pine reminds me of a giant Bonsai tree. If only the botanist were here!
DSCF0803.jpg2 viewsIn about three and a half miles, the trail enters the Sawtooth Wilderness. One is informed that a self-issued wilderness permit is required to travel any further.
DSCF0804.jpg2 viewsIn another quarter mile or so, the trail coming from the upper trail head to the south joins the trail from the lower trail head. The gradient steepens slightly.
DSCF0805.jpg2 viewsThe outlet to Hell Roaring Lake is reached in roughly five miles from the lower trail head. A log bridge makes crossing the outlet to the south shore of the lake trivial.
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