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IMG_7591.JPG2 viewsCathedral Rock towers in the distance beyond the "tombstones". Shortly after exiting the Cemetery, it began to snow in earnest. We probably made the right decision leaving Bighorn Crags a day early, especially considering the 50 mile drive ahead on steep dirt roads in a Honda Civic.

DSCF0484.JPG2 viewsMy campground is minutes away down a grassy slope; no more boulder-hopping. I'm thinking the far side of Hummock Lake, where I read there is a "primo" campground.

DSCF0485.JPG2 viewsAnimal tracks in the mud. Not sure what they are.

DSCF0487.JPG2 viewsI hope the "primo" camp spot across Hummock Lake is not occupied.

DSCF0488.JPG2 viewsWhenever I plan on doing some fishing, the wind always seems to be blowing in my face...

DSCF0492.JPG2 viewsThe wind is already picking up.

DSCF0498.JPG2 viewsThe notch I descended late the day before. I'm not positive which notch it is; most likely, just left of the outcrop in the center. The foreshortening effect of the long lens makes it appear worse than it was.

DSCF0500.JPG2 viewsA wide angle lens makes it look quite a bit easier.

DSCF0505.JPG2 viewsJust past 5 pm, I arrive at Frog Lake, and pause to admire some trail bikes parked near a huge and have a snack. A bow hunter emerges from the tent and we chat. I learn it is over 8 miles to the trail head, and a good part of that is the climb up Red Ridge. I had not looked closely at the map, and assumed it was all downhill! Half an hour later, I am well on my way up the ridge, seeing Frog Lake far below.

DSCF0421.JPG2 viewsSignpost indicating trail to Observation Peak vicinity of McGown Lakes turnoff.

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