
IMG_6333.JPG2 viewsOverlook, Brink of Lower Falls; Yellowstone River, Canyon Village.

IMG_6338.JPG2 viewsBrink of Lower Falls; Yellowstone River, Canyon Village.

IMG_6350.JPG2 viewsAntelope; Lamar Valley.

IMG_6360.JPG2 viewsView south from Lamar Valley.

IMG_6373.JPG2 viewsBison herd; Hayden Valley, Grand Loop Road, looking east.

IMG_6378.JPG2 viewsDragon's Mouth Spring.

IMG_6394.JPG2 viewsCrested Pool, Upper Geyser Basin.

IMG_6395.JPG2 viewsSouth Scalloped Spring, Upper Geyser Basin.

IMG_6401.JPG2 viewsSawmill Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin.

IMG_6414.JPG2 viewsSawmill Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin.

IMG_6417.JPG2 views

IMG_6423.JPG2 viewsLion Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin.
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