
IMG_5425.JPG2 views

IMG_5428.JPG2 viewsMeadow near Antelope Creek.

IMG_5431.JPG2 views

IMG_5433.JPG2 viewsCumulonimbus storm cells over Specimen Ridge. Absaroka Range is seen tn distance; from Viewpoint west of Antelope Creek.

IMG_5443.JPG2 views

IMG_5450.JPG2 viewsMeadow and eratics above Yellowstone River; from Viewpoint west of Antelope Creek, south of Tower Fall.

IMG_5457.JPG2 viewsMarmot posing for camera at turnout north of Tower Fall.

IMG_5451.JPG2 viewsYellowstone River north of Tower Fall. Peregrine Falcon chicks nest high on the cliffs above the river.

IMG_5460.JPG2 viewsFireweed and Lupine near Undine Falls.

IMG_5500.JPG2 viewsMinerva Terrace; Mammoth Hot Springs.

IMG_5502.JPG2 viewsMinerva Terrace; Mammoth Hot Springs.

IMG_5512.JPG2 viewsBison in meadow northeast of Swan Lake.
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