
IMG_4743.JPG2 viewsIt is now 9:10 pm. South of our camp, the last direct sunlight on Amelia Earhart Peak. Mt. Lyell, the highest point in Yosemtie, is in the background, just right of center. Ireland Lake lies in front of Amelia Earhart Peak.

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IMG_4744.JPG2 viewsTarn in meadow at 10424' east of Evelyn Lake. It is early in the season, and the meadows are saturated with recent snowmelt. The mosquitoes are a force to be reckoned with!

IMG_4751.JPG2 viewsSomewhere along Fletcher Creek. We have descended to the point where there are now pines in these sub alpine meadows. A nice place for some lunch.

IMG_4752.JPG2 viewsCascade on Fletcher Creek around 9600', just upstream from previous photo.

IMG_4760.JPG2 views The dome behind the Professor is just south of Emerick Lake, hidden behind it.

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IMG_4758.JPG2 viewsWe make good time on the slightly downhill, smooth, straight sections of trail traversing the open meadows of along Fletcher Creek west of Vogelsang Peak.

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IMG_4797.JPG2 viewsThe "Mist Trail" is best early in the season. It can drench hikers, but is usually welcomed by those ascending the steep rock steps on a warm day. As long as I can remember, I have always seen a rainbow here. This photo is on our return trip, after our whirlwind tour on the Valley floor. a little over 5 hours after the previous photo was taken. Low angle frontal light intensifies the rainbow and the green grass. I didn't end up taking any photos from the Valley floor!

IMG_4827.JPG2 viewsA marmot who gets fat in summer eating handouts from the throngs of people who make it to the top of Half Dome.

IMG_4849.JPG2 viewsThe author on the summit of Half Dome.
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