
IMG_9093.JPG2 viewsLake Helen northeast from the summit of Mt. Solomons. Echo Col is directly above the lake at the lowpoint of the ridge in front of the most distant dark ridge on the horizon (the White Mountains across the Owens Valley). Wallace Col, almost 560' higher, is the low point on the red-hued ridge above the snow patch in the upper left of the photo.

IMG_9100.JPG2 viewsThe upper section of the Northeast Shoulder route on Charybdis. The ridge turns south and, crossing a gap (hidden in photo) ascends on class 3 rock to the summit.

IMG_9104.JPG2 viewsWanda Lake.

IMG_9103.JPG2 viewsClose up of the peninsula on Wanda Lake from the summit of Mt. Solomons.

IMG_9107.JPG2 viewsTo the east, beyond the Black Divide, Mt. Johnson (left), and Mt. Goode (right, south).

IMG_9105.JPG2 viewsTo the east, beyond the Black Divide, Mt. Agassiz (left, 13,891'), and Mt. Winchell (13775'), at the northern end of the Palisade Region, on the Sierra Crest. In August of 1989 we were near the summit of Winchell on the 3rd class East Arete, and retreated due to thunderstorms. The following year I climbed Agassiz with my younger brother. In 1993, I reached the summit of Winchell via the East Arete alone.

IMG_9122.JPG2 viewsCharybdis, from the summit of Mt. Solomons.

IMG_9120.JPG2 viewsWanda Lake in the right foreground, from the summit of Mt. Solomons. To the west (upper left corner), Mt. McGee rises above Davis Lake. The Matthes Crest (upper right of photo) rises above Evolution Valley to the northwest.

IMG_9183.JPG2 viewsThe Goddard Divide over Wanda Lake. Muir Pass is on the left edge of photo.

IMG_9186.JPG2 views

IMG_9252.JPG2 viewsThe inlet of Sapphire Lake from the JMT, Evolution Basin.

IMG_9259.JPG2 viewsThe professor relaxes along Evolution Creek below Sapphire Lake. Mt. Spencer rises above the basin on the left (east). Snow covered Goddard Divide under threatening clouds.
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