
DSCF0684.JPG3 viewsThis is the first glimpse of the high saddle between WCP-9 (left) and D. O. Lee Peak on the right (south) leading to Cirque Lake in the Big Boulder Lake basin.

DSCF0685.JPG3 viewsFurther southeast into the upper reaches of Bighorn Basin east of D. O. Lee Peak. The high pass I will cross is still visible in the upper left frame.

DSCF0688.JPG3 viewsThe stream that eventually flows into Ocalkins Lake is visible not far below. I will get 2 liters here for the climb out of Bighorn Basin.

DSCF0691.JPG3 viewsI can see the route I will be taking rising directly ahead. I'm aiming for that large outcrop visible on the slope high in the middle of the frame.

DSCF0696.JPG3 viewsTo the north, WCP-5 rises above the pass leading into Iron Basin where I descended from just over three hours ago. Tom Lopez, in "Idaho, a Climbing Guide", describes this peak as, "the most interesting of the White Cloud Peaks. Its split summit and rotten vertical slopes are challenging for scramblers."

DSCF0700.JPG3 viewsArriving at the base of the outcrop, and welcome solid rock. Three years ago at this same point in the climb, a thunderstorm rolled in from the west. Lightening was flashing all about, accompanied by crashes of thunder. I was pelted with hail. I did not dare stop to put on my mountain parka. One of the most frightening experiences I can recall in the mountains!

DSCF0703.JPG3 viewsLooking back toward Iron Basin; WCP-5 on the right with its split summit and WCP-7 (10777'), due east of Ocalkens Lake. WCP-7 is on the same ridge as WCP-8, about 1.25 miles further as the ridge curves to the north, forming the western boundary of Bighorn Basin.

DSCF0704.JPG3 viewsThe view west south west from the rock outcrop just below the WCP-9 / D. O. Lee Peak saddle. WCP-8 (10557') is on the right (north) of the foreground ridge which forms the southwest wall above the upper reaches of Bighorn Basin. The Sawtooth crest is on the western horizon. That might be Redfish Lake below the crest in the center of frame.

DSCF0706.JPG3 viewsThe game trail leading from the outcrop to the upper saddle is clearly evident on the left side (north) of the frame, intersecting the saddle at a point under the cloud.

DSCF0707.JPG3 viewsLooking northwest from the WCP-9 / D. O. Lee Peak saddle. The entrance to the upper end of Iron Basin is seen just right of the center of the frame.

DSCF0801.jpg3 viewsOne and a third miles from the lower trail head and a climb of 400', the trail levels out alongside Hell Roaring Creek.

DSCF0802.jpg3 viewsThe trail follows the wide valley west, staying on the north side of Hell Roaring Creek, climbing gradually toward Hell Roaring Lake.
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