
DSCF0423.JPG4 viewsLooking N toward Stanley before McGown Lakes. More snow on the north facing slopes. More than I usually see this time of year, but not enough to impede travel in trail runners.

DSCF0441.JPG4 viewsHeading S from the outflow at the N end of Sawtooth Lake. Lot's more people about. I saw more people along Trailside Creek to McGown Lakes than I usually do. I will see nobody from the South end of Sawtooth Lake all the way to Grandjean.

DSCF0449.JPG4 viewsThe peaks in the distance rise above Barron Creek. I begin to think we might get a thundershower, but it doesn't materialize.

DSCF0450.JPG4 viewsCloser; partially frozen tarn. I put away the camera to ensure making three creek crossings in daylight. The trail passes 2 small lakes, then follows a lazy, idyllic stream near the departure point for off trail Lake 8771. My companions have set off to camp at that lake, as I find Amanda's Croc sandal carelessly dropped on the trail. I carry it to the first switchback, placing it on a rock in the middle of the trail, ensuring she will recover it, assuming they descend the N Fork Barron Creek.

DSCF0563.JPG4 viewsThese are my favorite pines. I identify them with early hikes in Yosemite. After all these years I'm still not certain which pine it is. I like the pattern on the bark. I think it is a Jeffrey pine, but it could be a sugar pine. If you know, you can contact me on idahoexposure.com.

DSCF0575.JPG4 viewsI believe this is a new signpost. The previous sign was bolted to a tree that had fallen, as photographed in the gallery dated one year and one day earlier. Cumulus continues to build over the Stanley Valley.

DSCF0576.JPG4 viewsWildflowers and creek on the initial climb toward McGown Lakes.

DSCF0582.JPG4 viewsOn the south side of the trail, at an elevation of 8505 feet, the highest of the McGown Lakes is about 75 higher in elevation than Sawtooth Lake just over the ridge to the east. As I recall, it is still a pretty good pull to the pass leading to Sawtooth Lake.

DSCF0590.JPG4 viewsHeading due south from the outlet of Sawtooth Lake toward my appointment with the North Fork of Baron Creek.

DSCF0592.JPG4 viewsThe water is so clear. I've never fished this lake. I have taken rainbow on a previous backpack to Lake 8771 to the southeast, leaving the trail at point just before it begins it's steep descent toward the North Fork Baron Creek. I look back to the north and see someone dive into lake. Fearing cardiac arrest, I'm not quite ready to take that plunge!

DSCF0595.JPG4 viewsI wonder what caused such a thick branch to be broken from this pine. If it were lightening, one would expect the tree to be blackened from fire. Perhaps an avalanche, or wind when the branch was heavily weighted with snow. Just ahead I will refill water, and mix a much needed electrolytic replacement drink. Geographically, this is the midpoint of the hike. But then, it is all downhill now!

DSCF0597.JPG4 viewsSouthern end of tarn (8489 feet) at the south end of Sawtooth Lake; there is less snow here than last year at this same time. It's cooled down considerably, and the shade is welcome relief.
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