Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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DSCF0648.JPG4 viewsI start my ascent into Iron Basin, staying well east of the gorge. A map indicates a trail, but it is not evident. Game trails start, then vanish. If one keeps climbing, one eventually stumbles onto a trail.
DSCF0649.JPG4 viewsThirty minutes into the climb, I find what appears to be a pretty decent trail!
DSCF0651.JPG4 viewsThe trail stays on the east side of the drainage, and reaches a plateau.
DSCF0652.JPG4 viewsI find what I recall from the first time I did this loop; water. It is located in a fairly flat section immediately above the initial steep-walled gorge. I stop and pump enough water to mix a hydration drink. It's worth getting enough water here for the night, in the event you fail to find the creek near the 8700' level in the basin above.
DSCF0659.JPG4 viewsI took this photo of the ridge on the south side of Iron Basin as a reference to help locate that stream next trip. It descends west northwest from WCP-7 (10777'), which is not visible and further left (east southeast). I believe there is a small lake behind it to the south. The lake is perched well above the east side of the lower north/south section leading to Iron Basin proper. I have not yet seen it, but it is a possible water source.
DSCF0661.JPG4 viewsCloser view of the natural arch on the steep north side of Iron Basin proper.
DSCF0674.JPG4 viewsTwenty minutes further up Iron Basin, I spot two mountain goats grazing on the sparse grass on the steep talus slope that is the north wall of the canyon. They are aware of my presence, but apparently feel no threat at this distance.
DSCF0678.JPG4 viewsGetting near the pass high in Iron Basin which descends to the entrance of Bighorn Basin. I wondered momentarily if this was smoke from a forest fire--fortunately, just the first clouds I have seen today.
DSCF0686.JPG4 viewsThe view from the pass between Iron Basin and Bighorn Basin, looking down at Ocalkins Lake. I am almost out of water, having missed the stream at the 8700' elevation in Iron Basin. I don't want to descend to the lake. I appears I can find water in the drainage well above the lake, northeast of Bighorn Basin.
DSCF0689.JPG4 viewsFollowing the drainage just east of Bighorn Basin. This is not the route I usually take, but it is has welcome intermittent shade, and is not much longer. I'm happy to have water!
DSCF0690.JPG4 viewsThis route will lead directly to the base of the climb to the saddle between WCP-9 and D. O. Lee Peak. It is a warm day, so any shade is welcome.
DSCF0692.JPG4 viewsThe path opens up into Bighorn Basin at about 9600', nearing the beginning of the steep climb to the saddle. The weather is looking good.
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