
IMG_9917.JPG3 views

IMG_9927.JPG3 viewsA wide view all the way back (southeast) to Island Lake's boat launch site. Lonesome Mountain is on the right.

IMG_9915.JPG3 viewsDeer tracks. The camera, used here for a size referecne, was lost on the way home with all her photos somewhere between West Yellowstone and Boise-- a real heartbreaker!

IMG_9911.JPG3 viewsAs we ascend to the divide, Pilot Peak comes into view to the west. The shoreline of Maryott Lake west of Donelson (right foreground) looks like it will pose some navigation problems.

IMG_8849.JPG3 viewsMount Haeckel above Middle Fork Bishop Creek.

IMG_8931.JPG3 viewsWe tried to take a more direct route, making use of the most solid rock, but the rock proved steep, dirty, and exposed in places.

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IMG_9097.JPG3 viewsThe Northeast Shoulder route on Charybdis begins at the lake on the left edge of the photo, and ascends the south side of the prominant ridge on the skyline.

IMG_9108.JPG3 viewsOn the distant Sierra Crest to the east, Middle Palisade (left), and the pyramidal shaped The Thumb beyond the Black Divide, from the summit of Mt. Solomons.

IMG_9113.JPG3 views50 miles to the northwest, Mt. Ritter, on the left with its distinctive snowband, and Matterhorn-shaped Banner Peak to the right, dominate the skyline for miles.

IMG_9115.JPG3 viewsMt. Darwin on the Sierra Crest from the summit of Mt. Solomons. Mt. Darwin stands at the head of Darwin Canyon, about 1.66 miles south of Lamarck Col. The ridge in the foreground is the southeast ridge of Mt. Warlow (to the left, not visible). Warlow can be ascended via this ridge (class 1) from Muir Pass. The telephoto lens makes this ridge appear much closer to Mt. Darwin than it is. Darwin is over 3 miles beyond the ridge to the north. I summited Darwin more years ago than I would care to admit!

IMG_9120.JPG3 viewsWanda Lake in the right foreground, from the summit of Mt. Solomons. To the west (upper left corner), Mt. McGee rises above Davis Lake. The Matthes Crest (upper right of photo) rises above Evolution Valley to the northwest.
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