
IMG_6015.JPG4 views

IMG_6064.JPG4 viewsWe contoured along, then down slopes northwest toward Spuller Lake.

IMG_6209.JPG4 viewsLooking back at Shepherd Crest as we descend into Virginia Canyon to find the Summit Lake Trail. The low gap on the skyline is the north side of Sky Pilot Col.

IMG_6220.JPG4 viewsA cornice high on the eastern side of the crest south of Summit Lake.

IMG_4714.JPG4 viewsWhite Cascade at Glen Aulin.

IMG_4743.JPG4 viewsIt is now 9:10 pm. South of our camp, the last direct sunlight on Amelia Earhart Peak. Mt. Lyell, the highest point in Yosemtie, is in the background, just right of center. Ireland Lake lies in front of Amelia Earhart Peak.

IMG_4788.JPG4 viewsVernal Falls from the "Mist Trail".

IMG_4799.JPG4 viewsWe took a short cut trail just above Vernal Falls that joins the John Muir Trail above the worst section of tedious switchbacks. Clouds of spray from Nevada Falls rain on the trail, backlit by the setting sun.

IMG_4811.JPG4 viewsFlowers, Liberty Cap, and Nevada Falls.

IMG_4812.JPG4 viewsFlowers and Nevada Falls.

IMG_4809.JPG4 viewsWe pause to take advantage of the low angle light. Fortunately, our camp is already set up and waiting for us, food stored in bear lockers; one advantage of the backpacker campground in Little Yosemite Valley.

IMG_4814.JPG4 viewsIndian Paintbrush and Nevada Falls; 8:48 pm and at least another mile to camp. We always bring our headlamps!
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