
DSCF0715.JPG5 views8:30 pm and the fish are active under the almost full moon. I'm in the process of finishing dinner, but photography always comes first. Never got that line in water. I'll wait until morning. I took advantage of warm temperatures to wash my feet and lower legs, as well as my socks before heading off to bed.

DSCF0724.JPG5 viewsDawn; inlet at Cove Lake, Big Boulder Lakes Basin.

DSCF0725.JPG5 viewsWCP-9 / D. O. Lee Peak saddle; alpenglow at dawn from inlet at Cove Lake, Big Boulder Lakes Basin.

DSCF0728.JPG5 viewsSouth from the inlet at Cove Lake, Big Boulder Lakes Basin at dawn.

DSCF0730.JPG5 viewsD. O. Lee Peak from the inlet at Cove Lake, Big Boulder Lakes Basin; dawn.

DSCF0736.JPG5 viewsRare self portrait of the author after some productive fly-fishing; inlet Cove Lake.

DSCF0740.JPG5 viewsThe larger rainbow is just shy of 14". Both were caught in a grasshopper dry fly

DSCF0741.JPG5 viewsI was fishing off those rocks at the intake of Cirque Lake. I had been looking down, untangling a rat's nest if leader for 15 minutes or so. I finally succeeded and looked up to see a thunderstorm barreling down on me from the east. I scurried back to camp in intermittent rain. A short time later heavy rain started, turning to wind-driven hail.

DSCF0742.JPG5 viewsTwo hours later, it is still storming up on the WCP-9 / D. O. Lee Peak saddle. After the rain stopped down here, a strong gust of wind caused a stake anchoring a pole to pull out. I was able to re-stake it quickly in firmer ground a bit closer to the pole. Fortunately it happened after the downpour.

DSCF0743.JPG5 viewsThe storm cleared out fairly quickly. I was able to cook those trout for an outstanding dinner.

DSCF0749.JPG5 viewsThe moon rose over the mountains to the east just after 9 pm. The breeze, along with the cooler air, kept mosquitoes to a minimum.

DSCF0751.JPG5 viewsThe plan today is to head southeast to the outlet of Cove Lake and climb through the "Cheese Grater", the high mountaineering pass between Big Boulder Lakes Basin and the Boulder Chain Lakes Basin.
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