Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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DSCF0505.JPG5 viewsJust past 5 pm, I arrive at Frog Lake, and pause to admire some trail bikes parked near a huge and have a snack. A bow hunter emerges from the tent and we chat. I learn it is over 8 miles to the trail head, and a good part of that is the climb up Red Ridge. I had not looked closely at the map, and assumed it was all downhill! Half an hour later, I am well on my way up the ridge, seeing Frog Lake far below.
DSCF0332.JPG5 viewsPeak 11272 rising northwest above the lower saddle (above the snowfield).
DSCF0333.JPG5 viewsLooking northwest from the saddle between the two Boulder Lake basins past the lower saddle (above the snowfield), D. O. Lee Peak is the most distinctive landmark in the distance.
DSCF0335.JPG5 viewsLooking northwest from the saddle between the two Boulder Lake basins to D. O. Lee Peak.
DSCF0336.JPG5 viewsArriving at Hidden Lake, it is already 5:15 pm. It is a relief to be down to the lakes.
DSCF0337.JPG5 viewsThe weather looks threatening once more, but providing some dramatic lighting!
DSCF0338.JPG5 viewsLogs at inlet, northeast end of Hummock Lake.
DSCF0421.JPG5 viewsSignpost indicating trail to Observation Peak vicinity of McGown Lakes turnoff.
DSCF0424.JPG5 viewsAnother view N, approaching McGown Lakes.
DSCF0428.JPG5 viewsThe trail heads S along the E side of the lake, and drops through the low saddle, S of Sawtooth Lake to descend the North Fork Barron Creek. Last year on 6/27, the lake was completely free of ice.
DSCF0429.JPG5 viewsThe outflow at the N end of the lake, and scant 4 miles beyond, Iron Creek Trailhead, the approach the masses use to visit Sawtooth Lake.
DSCF0452.JPG5 viewsThe first crossing comes roughly a mile beyond that first switchback. Amanda will want her Crocs here! I carry some neoprene socks to avoid soaking shoes and socks. Very refreshing after hiking all day! Further ahead, the tough part is not losing the faint trail that disappears under the brush prior to the crux crossing about one hour distant. I lose the trail after crossing under a huge fallen tree. It takes 10 minutes, but I find it again!
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