
IMG_7532.JPG5 viewsWe've been hiking an hour since leaving the camp we set up at Birdbill Lake. We are still well above Airplane Lake.

IMG_7536.JPG5 viewsThe professor breaks out the lunch and snacks. I contemplate fishing, but seeing no rings, and only a small fish jump, decide to fish Airplane Lake, and Birdbill if there is still time.

IMG_7541.JPG5 viewsWe head southwest along the beach to reach the inlet and filter water for our climb back to camp.

IMG_7542.JPG5 viewsThe meadow at the inlet of Airplane Lake. No luck with dry flies or spinners.

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IMG_7591.JPG5 viewsCathedral Rock towers in the distance beyond the "tombstones". Shortly after exiting the Cemetery, it began to snow in earnest. We probably made the right decision leaving Bighorn Crags a day early, especially considering the 50 mile drive ahead on steep dirt roads in a Honda Civic.

DSCF0350.JPG5 viewsDawn; inlet Island Lake, Big Boulder Lakes.

DSCF0352.JPG5 viewsWest toward Cove Lake; inlet Island Lake, Big Boulder Lakes.

DSCF0353.JPG5 viewsEast across Island Lake, Big Boulder Lakes.

DSCF0356.JPG5 viewsThe route west to Cove Lake; inlet Island Lake, Big Boulder Lakes.
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