
DSCF0457.JPG6 viewsAgain, what appears to be the conventional ford. Difficult to tell just how deep it is. The nasty log pileup at the brink of the pour-over is just left of frame (see next image).

DSCF0458.JPG6 viewsThis looks deep and fast, with the possibility of being swept under a log.

DSCF0459.JPG6 viewsThe 3rd crossing; N Fork Barron Creek, is a few hundred feet after joining the main Barron Creek Trail. Find your center, drop your shoulders, chin up! I crossed this at 9:30 pm in fading light. 3.5 miles to the trailhead! At 3 mph, I estimated an 11:00 pm finish. Two thirds of a moon shining from the south along the Payette provided sufficient light. I used the headlamp low beam the last 20 minutes to avoid injury. Excellent first hike of 2022, ending, as anticipated, at exactly 11:00 pm!

DSCF0516.JPG6 viewsAlpenglow; D. O. Lee Peak above the inlet at Cove Lake.

DSCF0567.JPG6 viewsJust upstream from the crossing, I saw a couple gals to the left of the log, who had managed to completely lose the trail. This happens fairly often at stream crossings. They were delighted that I suggested a route to get them back on track.

DSCF0593.JPG6 viewsMt. Regen in class IV; a rope is required. On a previous trip, a less experienced companion and I were descending from the saddle west of Regen, trying to reach the trial at the south end of the lake. He did not feel safe crossing the steep snow above the lake. We were losing the light. I presented two options; traverse around the west side of the lake, not all of which was visible, or retreat back over the saddle. He chose to retreat. Experience now tells me we should have traversed the west side.

DSCF0628.JPG6 viewsThe trail ascends to this point overlooking Strawberry Basin, with the first views of the White Cloud Peaks.

DSCF0634.JPG6 viewsThe west face of D. O. Lee Peak is bisected by an east-west ridge with D. O. Lee Peak (11342) on the east (frame right) and WCP-8 (10557') .9 mile west (left) on the ridge (center of frame). The high saddle between D. O. Lee Peak and W. C. P. 9 which leads to Big Boulder Lakes is hidden from view. This same feature is visible from the west side of Toxaway Lake.

DSCF0636.JPG6 viewsLooking down into Strawberry Basin. It is easier to leave the rocky trail, and walk in the meadow as soon as possible. My first navigational error today was to continue too far down the rocky pack trail.

DSCF0637.JPG6 viewsMeadow at roughly 8700' level in Strawberry Basin.

DSCF0644.JPG6 viewsPleasant hiking offers glimpses of Warm Springs Creek.

DSCF0645.JPG6 viewsForty minutes later, the trail enters an open area with lots of down timber. Fresh saw cuts in down timber make for much easier going than last year.
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