Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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DSCF0338.JPG6 viewsLogs at inlet, northeast end of Hummock Lake.
DSCF0416.JPG6 viewsOne of the easier log crossings over Trail Creek, well before arriving at Trail Lakes.
DSCF0417.JPG6 viewsLooking back, SW, toward Trail Lakes.
DSCF0418.JPG6 viewsTo the N, the turnoff to McGown Lakes to the E is near the low point on the skyline.
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DSCF0424.JPG6 viewsAnother view N, approaching McGown Lakes.
DSCF0425.JPG6 viewsMt. Regan above Sawtooth Lake from the saddle above the W side of lake. We were blessed with a WSW breeze with gusts to 29 mph, and cumulous clouds, which kept the high down to 70, and made for some nice photo opportunities.
DSCF0427.JPG6 viewsThis is the most snow I have seen at the saddle overlooking the lake.
DSCF0428.JPG6 viewsThe trail heads S along the E side of the lake, and drops through the low saddle, S of Sawtooth Lake to descend the North Fork Barron Creek. Last year on 6/27, the lake was completely free of ice.
DSCF0437a.JPG6 viewsAmanda returns the favor with a rare photo of the author in his element!
DSCF0438.JPG6 viewsI climb above the trail for slightly different shot of Mt. Regan. Just as I'm about to release the shutter, my new-found companions round the bend, adding some foreground interest in the shot.
DSCF0446.JPG6 viewsThe small lake just S of Sawtooth Lake is a beautiful alternative to the crowds camping at the S end of Sawtooth Lake.
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