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IMG_4402.JPG6 viewsAt 7:45 pm, still in the canyon, it is evident we are losing the light!

IMG_4411.JPG6 viewsAt 8:02, I am reaching the lower light limit for my DSLR without a tripod. Soon we put on headlamps. We hiked almost 2.5 more hours before seeing a faint flicker on a high rock formation on the river right side. It turned out to be a campfire at White House Campground. We arrived at our camper about 10:30 pm, completing our 21 mile adventure.

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IMG_4497.JPG6 viewsHeading up the wash southwest from Cottonwood Cove Trailhead.

IMG_4678.JPG6 viewsA short distance into Lick Wash, we enter the slot. There is mud on top of ice, up, out of the streambed.

IMG_5153.JPG6 viewsBeryl Spring

IMG_5164.JPG6 viewsBeryl Spring

IMG_5290.JPG6 viewsCars wait for a legal stretch of highway to pass slow moving bison who refuses to stay to the right.

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IMG_5293.JPG6 viewsBison headed west about 6 miles east of Canyon Village.
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