Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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IMG_6216.JPG6 viewsView northwest from Summit Lake.
IMG_6218.JPG6 viewsCamiaca Peak rises above Summit Lake. The hiker is a ranger we met near the confluence of Virginia and Matterhorn Canyons six days ago on our way in.
IMG_6219.JPG6 viewsA cornice high on the eastern side of the crest south of Summit Lake.
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IMG_4647.JPG6 viewsThe Sawtooth Ridge from Bridgeport Valley, north of Bridgeport on Route 395. Matterhorn Peak on the far left; Blacksmith Peak on the Right. The Cleaver, extending down from Cleaver Peak, divides the snowfield about 1/3 from the right edge of photo. Glacier Col is the low point on the crest just right of the Cleaver, and left of Blacksmith Peak.
IMG_4761.JPG6 viewsFive hours earlier, we were on the horizon, above the stand of pines, pretty much in exactly the direction the rutted trail is leading back into the photograph.
IMG_4764.JPG6 viewsFletcher Creek begins its first long cascade to Merced Lake.
IMG_4769.JPG6 viewsFletcher Creek cascades into a hanging valley around 8150', before its final drop to Merced Lake.
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IMG_4771.JPG6 viewsA small waterfall along Fletcher Creek in a hanging valley around 8150'.
IMG_4815.JPG6 viewsThe circus arrives at Half Dome. The Park Service does little to expedite this traffic jam, feigning a policy of non-interference in the "wilderness". They need to be reminded, they now enforce permits to ascend this trail, and installed the cables in the first place! The Snake Dike route 180 degrees around the dome, on the Valley side, is a much nicer climb up Half Dome.
IMG_4831.JPG6 viewsLooking northeast from the top of Half Dome up Tenaya Canyon, past the domes above Tenaya Lake, to Mt. Conness, 20 miles distant. See the gallery, "Yosemite, North, July 17, 2011", for up close views of Mt. Conness. on the northeastern border of Yosemite.
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