
IMG_5922.JPG6 views

IMG_5923.JPG6 views

IMG_5926.JPG6 views

IMG_6040.JPG6 viewsMount McClure comes into view (dark peak, snow on left skyline above lake) looms over Lyell Canyon where the Pacific Crest Trail enters Yosemite from the south.

IMG_6039.JPG6 viewsThe upper of the Gaylor Lakes.

IMG_6043.JPG6 viewsThe remains of the Great Sierra Mine...

IMG_6050.JPG6 views

IMG_6046.JPG6 viewsMount Conness to the north of the Great Sierra Mine.

IMG_6057.JPG6 viewsFrom the mine, we contoured north, then over a small saddle.

IMG_6053.JPG6 views

IMG_6058.JPG6 views

IMG_6118.JPG6 views
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