
IMG_6744.JPG7 views

IMG_6786.JPG7 viewsWashington Lake! I wash my feet and change socks for the final 2.5 miles to the car. Next time I will consider a direct cross country route over the saddle directly west of the lake to the upper Chamberlain Lake (9849').

IMG_6785.JPG7 viewsThe pass is a superb place for lunch, with great views and shade.

IMG_6215.JPG7 viewsGrasses in the flooded meadow west of Stanley Lake.

IMG_6216.JPG7 viewsHenry's Fork of the Snake River; downstream from Upper Coffee Pot Campground.

IMG_6975.JPG7 viewsThe highest two lakes in Four Lakes Basin.

IMG_7500.JPG7 viewsTired, and armed with an antiquated topo, we miss the turnoff to Birdbill Lake at a saddle on Fishfin Ridge, and descend to Wilson Lake.

IMG_7534.JPG7 viewsFinally, just after 3 pm, we arrive at Ship Island Lake. We have descended 1000 feet in about 2 hours, and still have to climb back over the saddle to get back to our camp.

DSCF0418.JPG7 viewsThe view north to the saddle, bisected by the shadow of a passing cloud, half the brilliant white sedimentary limestone still in sunlight.

DSCF0456.JPG7 viewsThis low point, to the southwest, I soon realized, was not the correct saddle to descend to Hummock lake.

DSCF0416.JPG7 viewsOne of the easier log crossings over Trail Creek, well before arriving at Trail Lakes.

DSCF0415.JPG7 viewsWildflowers encountered with the first 2 miles high above Trail Creek.
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