
IMG_4486.JPG7 views

IMG_5290.JPG7 viewsCars wait for a legal stretch of highway to pass slow moving bison who refuses to stay to the right.

IMG_5277.JPG7 viewsLooking west over Crackling Lake; Porcelain Basin, Norris Geyser Basin.

IMG_5293.JPG7 viewsBison headed west about 6 miles east of Canyon Village.

IMG_5294.JPG7 viewsRiver-wide reversal above South Rim Drive bridge; Yellowstone River, Canyon Village.

IMG_5323.JPG7 viewsUpper Falls from bottom of Uncle Tom's Trail; Yellowstone River, Canyon Village.

IMG_5331.JPG7 viewsGrand Canyon of the Yellowstone River from Artist Point; Canyon Village.

IMG_6662.JPG7 views

IMG_6688.JPG7 viewsDescending northeast from Four Lakes Basin, Merriam Peak rises above Quiet Lake to the east.

IMG_6703.JPG7 viewsStill water on Quiet Lake; no trout rings. I walked to a deep drop off on the east side of the lake where I fished with no luck the evening before, and came back empty handed again.

IMG_6728.JPG7 viewsCastle Peak was visible throughout this trip. The vistas climbing to the 10,000' pass that leads to Chamberlain Basin are superb.

IMG_6725.JPG7 viewsThe best fishing on the trip was off the small rock peninsula just left of center in the photo!
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