Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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IMG_6706.JPG8 viewsWe could see fingerlings in Slickenside Creek and very small trout jumping out of the water to catch mosquitoes. I kept going anticipating better at Noisy Lake's inlet.
IMG_6725.JPG8 viewsThe best fishing on the trip was off the small rock peninsula just left of center in the photo!
IMG_6766.JPG8 viewsI had no luck fishing the upper Chamberlain Lake (9849'). It was windy in the morning, and difficult to find a favorable spot. There were some large fish out there, but none I was able to reach given my limited casting ability.
IMG_6776.JPG8 viewsThe trail passes this little jewel at the southwest end of Chamberlain Basin before the steep climb to the pass into the Washington Creek Drainage. The color is stunning! Did not fish here.
IMG_6778.JPG8 viewsNear the top of the pass (9800') into the Washington Creek Drainage, the ever present Castle Peak rises above tucked away Chamberlain Basin.
IMG_6772.JPG8 viewsThe lower of the Chamberlain Lakes (9197'). The nicest spot was occupied by a party that looked settled in for a week or two. This was surprising, the day after Labor Day.
IMG_6210.JPG8 viewsA lone lily blooms above the flooded meadow west of Stanley Lake.
IMG_6206.JPG8 viewsMountains to the west of Stanley Lake reflected in the flooded meadow.
IMG_6962.JPG8 viewsA chipmunk enjoys the morning sun while pretending to check out the fish rings at at the larger of the Born Lakes. He is really waiting for a chance to chew a hole in my pack to get some nuts.
IMG_7540.JPG8 viewsAccording to Tom Lopez, the "tangled collection of spires, faces, and cliffs at the west end of Ship Island Lake" forms the Litner Group.
DSCF0432.JPG8 viewsAs I am taking photos, Amanda (red pack), and her Norwegian companion (and well-behaved dog) arrive at the saddle for the first time, overwhelmed by the amazing and well-earned view. I offer to capture the moment for them. We met before reaching McGown Lakes. They are taking 3 days to do the same loop I am doing as a dayhike. Their plan is to camp at off-trail Lake 8771, which I visited in August 2019. We play leapfrog to the south end of Sawtooth Lake, where I stop to get water.
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