Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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DSCF0522.JPG8 viewsThe I found it was more stable to climb to a point above and right of the saddle, reaching a point on the skyline almost to where the white cumulus cloud intersects the blue sky. The route unfolds nicely as one climbs.
DSCF0525.JPG8 viewsThe same angle, lower down to include the tarn. I was well above this tarn, traversing the ridge behind it. I was happy to get to the top before any thundershowers arrived! The next step is to continue climbing (in the opposite direction) up and left (southeast) crossing the divide in the correct spot to descend to Hummock Lake.
DSCF0526.JPG8 viewsLooking back up at the ridge (north) I just descended from. I’m told this crossing is named the “cheese grater”.
DSCF0527.JPG8 viewsApproaching Hummock Lake to the south over now pleasurable terrain. I’m heading for the ‘primo’ campsite on the far side of the lake, right side, not far from the inlet. Within 50 minutes, just after arriving at my campsite, the skies darkened, and the rain began to pour. 45 minutes later, it ceased long enough to set up the tent and food hang. I was thankful it held off that long!
DSCF0531.JPG8 viewsAlpenglow; morning, Hummock Lake. I plan to start hiking out no later than 1 pm, putting me at my car before dark. I want to fish here, and at Scoop Lake, just above. I need to get the tent and sleeping bag dried out between breakfast and fishing. I’ve never had much luck here, so I’m limiting fishing here to an hour.
DSCF0775.JPG8 viewsA sage brush, half way across the plateau below the "Devil's Staircase". He is well camouflaged.
DSCF0786.JPG8 viewsThe west side of the same lake. I have camped here numerous times. The fishing is usually pretty good. It thunder showered here on my way out last year. There always seems to be at least one party camped here.
IMG_5730.JPG7 viewsMore Enzian above Packrat Lake.
IMG_5716.JPG7 viewsLake 9352 is passed on the south with a bit of boulder hopping.
IMG_5718.JPG7 viewsAt 9450' the saddle between Lake 9352 and Packrat Lake is the lowest elevation on the three major cross country passes we crossed, but its remote location and snowfield made it seem like the highest.
IMG_5721.JPG7 viewsAn aboundance of wildflowers dotted the steep grassy slope in the westerly of the two drainages dropping down toward Packrat Lake from saddle above Lake 9352.
IMG_5985.JPG7 views
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