
IMG_6962.JPG8 viewsA chipmunk enjoys the morning sun while pretending to check out the fish rings at at the larger of the Born Lakes. He is really waiting for a chance to chew a hole in my pack to get some nuts.

IMG_6959.JPG8 viewsD. O. Lee Peak above Ants Basin from the saddle between Blackman and Patterson Peak.

IMG_6963.JPG8 viewsThe inlet stream flowing through an alpine meadow to the larger of the Born Lakes.

IMG_7530.JPG8 viewsShip Island Lake comes into view from the saddle west, northwest of Birdbill Lake.

IMG_7540.JPG8 viewsAccording to Tom Lopez, the "tangled collection of spires, faces, and cliffs at the west end of Ship Island Lake" forms the Litner Group.

DSCF0432.JPG8 viewsAs I am taking photos, Amanda (red pack), and her Norwegian companion (and well-behaved dog) arrive at the saddle for the first time, overwhelmed by the amazing and well-earned view. I offer to capture the moment for them. We met before reaching McGown Lakes. They are taking 3 days to do the same loop I am doing as a dayhike. Their plan is to camp at off-trail Lake 8771, which I visited in August 2019. We play leapfrog to the south end of Sawtooth Lake, where I stop to get water.

DSCF0486.JPG8 viewsThe trail appears when the sides of the basin constrict the choice of path. Finally heading downhill, toward some steep switchbacks. Someone I asked to do this trip with me years ago complained, “too much up and down!”. Isn’t that what the mountains are about?

DSCF0494.JPG8 viewsI arrive at the D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle about 5 pm, an hour and a half after starting. I can see rain falling to the east-southeast, and felt a few drops on the ascent, but there was none of the feared lightning. Below is the inlet to Cirque Lake. Below that is Sapphire and Cove Lakes, all in the Big Boulder Lakes Basin.

DSCF0502.JPG8 viewsI descended the cascading stream to this point above Cirque Lake, seeing one of the group of four goats, but was unable to get a photo before he eluded me, disappearing around a corner. Rather than fish here, I decided to head down to and set up my camp at Cove Lake. It was already 10 after 6, and the weather looked unsettled.

DSCF0508.JPG8 viewsAnother view of the D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle above the inlet to Cove Lake.

DSCF0507.JPG8 viewsLooking south from the inlet to Cove Lake. This is an area I enjoy fishing. The lake drops off quickly here, and there are not too many trees, beyond those in the foreground, to get my line hung up in while trying to cast.

DSCF0511.JPG8 viewsPeaks southeast of Cove Lake.
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