Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

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DSCF0491.JPG9 viewsLooking southeast, further up into Bighorn Basin.
DSCF0496.JPG9 viewsFrom the D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle, the view northwest beyond Bighorn Basin. Right of center is the entrance to Iron Basin where I came from. Three quarters to left of frame, close to skyline, is summit of Watson Peak. Just right of center, vertically in the center, is the horn I climbed behind. A faint goat trail leads toward the bottom right corner of the frame.
DSCF0499.JPG9 views5 mountain goats, including two lambs, came bolting down from the D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle to this spot above the cascading waterfall that leads down to Cirque Lake on the left. One lamb split off from the group, staying high above the tarn. The others gathered just in front of the rock in the center of the photo. I turned around to put the long lens on my camera, but when I turned back, they had vanished. There were tracks in the snow.
DSCF0500.JPG9 viewsThis appears to be the juvenile, high above the tarn, keeping a close eye on me.
DSCF0504.JPG9 viewsThe spot I had planned to set up camp was occupied. I’ve never seen anybody camped there. This turned out to be a better camp, and far enough from the lake to avoid any hassle from wilderness police. I got to bed at a reasonable hour. This was the first night I set up the tent, due to threatening weather, and mosquitos. I got up early, after a good night’s sleep, to catch some alpenglow on the peaks above Cove Lake.
DSCF0506.JPG9 viewsThe D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle above the inlet to Cove Lake.
DSCF0512.JPG9 viewsThe “Cheese Grater”, the route to the more southerly Boulder Chain Lakes can be seen on frame right in this photo. The threatening weather turned to thundershowers an hour or so later, but not before I was able to cook my trout; delicious! It rained for about 45 minutes, but I was able to get outside afterward, and finish preparing for good night’s sleep.The “Cheese Grater”, the route to the more southerly Boulder Chain Lakes can be seen on frame right in this photo. The threatening weather turned to thu
DSCF0547.JPG9 viewsThe rain continues in earnest, despite blue sky to the west. I put on my mountain parka, and use the rain cover for my pack. If it gets worse, I have gaiters, and rain pants, but being optimistic, I hold off for now. The fishing is usually pretty good here, but I press on, wanting to reach the car in the light—unlike my last trip here!
DSCF0557.JPG9 viewsFrom the ridge south of Ants Basin, Peak 10111, (left foreground) north of Blackman Peak, northwest, and above Ants Basin. Strawberry Basin (further beyond left frame line), which I passed through five days ago, is west of Peak 10111'.
DSCF0623.JPG9 viewsLooking east toward Fourth of July Lake.
DSCF0621.JPG9 viewsThe cross-country route climbs north, north west from the Fourth of July Creek trail head. After a 40 minute climb, one reaches this saddle southwest of Blackman Peak.
IMG_5677.JPG8 views
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