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IMG_4490.JPG9 viewsTraveling west on the Hill Route (BLM 1323) between White Pocket and Cottonwood Cove Trailhead. The White Pocket Monolith is seen on the left. Recommended only for high clearance 4-wheel drive, this is the most direct road between these two trailheads. Rangers at the BLM information center in Kanab advised traveling west only due to the grade. This information is contradicted at http://www.thewave.info. We did not get stuck. It appeared easier going west.

IMG_6670.JPG9 viewsBelow Castle Peak, the Professor puts together our first lunch installment; salami and cheese on sourdough baguette.

IMG_6709.JPG9 viewsOne of the few places to get water early on the steep climb up the jeep road southwest of Baker Lake.

IMG_6721.JPG9 viewsThe jeep trail climbing the ridge past the cabin (upper one third of frame, one third from left edge of frame) viewed from the footpath to Castle Lake. A mine shaft is located past the cabin after road narrows to a trail (about one quarter from right edge of frame).

IMG_6724.JPG9 viewsCastle Peak can be climbed from the west side of Castle Lake. After reading Lopez's description in his "Idaho, a Climbing Guide," I opted to fish instead. Maybe when I have the whole day...

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IMG_6754.JPG9 viewsThe view northeast from the top of the 10,000' pass.

IMG_6757.JPG9 viewsEnjoying the campfire at the middle Chamberlain Lake (9477') after roasting trout on a stick caught at Castle Lake earlier that day.
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