So-called "Epic White Cloud Backpacking Loop", August 24, 2020
DSCF0358.JPG14 viewsThe description in Idaho Alpine Zone advises the more northerly route as the better descent route. I did not investigate this further, relying on route finding experience. I descended via the more northerly chute. It was loose and tedious, but easier than the descent to Hummock Lake the day before. One can see the ridge above Ants Basin, the closer of the three ridges on the horizon.
DSCF0359.JPG17 viewsThe middle of the Born Lakes. I’d love to fish this lake, as I have nice memories of fishing here, but it is already 7 pm, and I want to take advantage of the beautiful light.
DSCF0360.JPG13 viewsZ-packs tent city! I count no less than 5 of these tents in the meadow adjacent to the lake—the same tent I am carrying!
DSCF0363.JPG8 viewsThe Devil’s Staircase viewed from just east of Ants Basin; 8:00 pm. About half way to the left edge of the frame from the distinct pinnacle, one can see the entrance to the staircase. About 1/3 down to the bottom of the rock buttress, it divides into two branches. The southerly branch is not visible behind the rock buttress.
DSCF0371.JPG8 viewsClimbing the steep trail to the ridge on the west side of Ants Basin, the moon appears from behind the clouds. I hope there are no werewolves about.
DSCF0372.JPG11 viewsI can hike for another 45 minutes by moonlight before resorting to the headlamp.
DSCF0373.JPG10 viewsAt 8:30 pm I reach the ridge top, but there is still a bit more uphill. I photograph D. O. Lee Peak in the hazy, fading light, have a snack, and continue. I see headlamps ascending the trail. I finally take out my headlamp. At 9:20 pm, I meet a woman headed for Born lakes, and advise her where to find the Z-packs tent city. Twenty minutes later, there is a group of five headed for Washington Lake, intending to take Splatski"s Cutoff the next morning and climb Castle Peak. I reach the car at 10:23 pm.