Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

To the east, across the Stanley Valley are the White Clouds.  The most prominent summit is Castle Peak, on the skyline, just right of center.  Also on the skyline, about one quarter from the left edge of frame is the WCP-9 / D. O. Lee saddle.  It is strikingly white; more so with a fresh dusting of snow.  I crossed this saddle a little more than 6 weeks ago (see Epic White Cloud Backpack Loop Revisited).  Hell Roaring Lake is hidden from view by the ridge in the right foreground.

To the east, across the Stanley Valley are the White Clouds. The most prominent summit is Castle Peak, on the skyline, just right of center. Also on the skyline, about one quarter from the left edge of frame is the WCP-9 / D. O. Lee saddle. It is strikingly white; more so with a fresh dusting of snow. I crossed this saddle a little more than 6 weeks ago (see Epic White Cloud Backpack Loop Revisited). Hell Roaring Lake is hidden from view by the ridge in the right foreground.

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