Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

The view west south west from the rock outcrop just below the WCP-9 / D. O. Lee Peak saddle.  WCP-8 (10557') is on the right (north) of the foreground ridge which forms the southwest wall above the upper reaches of Bighorn Basin.  The Sawtooth crest is on the western horizon.  That might be Redfish Lake below the crest in the center of frame.

The view west south west from the rock outcrop just below the WCP-9 / D. O. Lee Peak saddle. WCP-8 (10557') is on the right (north) of the foreground ridge which forms the southwest wall above the upper reaches of Bighorn Basin. The Sawtooth crest is on the western horizon. That might be Redfish Lake below the crest in the center of frame.

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