Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

The west face of D. O. Lee Peak is bisected by an east-west ridge with D. O. Lee Peak (11342) on the east (frame right) and WCP-8 (10557') .9 mile west (left) on the ridge (center of frame).  The high saddle between D. O. Lee Peak and W. C. P. 9 which leads to Big Boulder Lakes is hidden from view.  This same feature is visible from the west side of Toxaway Lake.

The west face of D. O. Lee Peak is bisected by an east-west ridge with D. O. Lee Peak (11342) on the east (frame right) and WCP-8 (10557') .9 mile west (left) on the ridge (center of frame). The high saddle between D. O. Lee Peak and W. C. P. 9 which leads to Big Boulder Lakes is hidden from view. This same feature is visible from the west side of Toxaway Lake.