Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

At 8:30 pm I reach the ridge top, but there is still a bit more uphill.  I photograph D. O. Lee Peak in the hazy, fading light, have a snack, and continue.  I see headlamps ascending the trail.  I finally take out my headlamp.  At 9:20 pm, I meet a woman headed for Born lakes, and advise her where to find the Z-packs tent city.  Twenty minutes later, there is a group of five headed for Washington Lake, intending to take Splatski"s Cutoff the next morning and climb Castle Peak.  I reach the car at 10:23 pm.

At 8:30 pm I reach the ridge top, but there is still a bit more uphill. I photograph D. O. Lee Peak in the hazy, fading light, have a snack, and continue. I see headlamps ascending the trail. I finally take out my headlamp. At 9:20 pm, I meet a woman headed for Born lakes, and advise her where to find the Z-packs tent city. Twenty minutes later, there is a group of five headed for Washington Lake, intending to take Splatski"s Cutoff the next morning and climb Castle Peak. I reach the car at 10:23 pm.