Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

The view to the ENE.  As recent regulations require fires to be built at least 200 yards from the lake, I prepared a spot to cook my trout up and away from my camp, and the lake.  Earlier, I cooked the smaller trout.  I’m now thinking about cooking the larger one, as the cloud development could easily result in thundershowers this evening.  It is now 5:35 pm.

The view to the ENE. As recent regulations require fires to be built at least 200 yards from the lake, I prepared a spot to cook my trout up and away from my camp, and the lake. Earlier, I cooked the smaller trout. I’m now thinking about cooking the larger one, as the cloud development could easily result in thundershowers this evening. It is now 5:35 pm.

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