Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

Watson Peak above Iron Basin to the NE.   I ended up having to lose some elevation after heading E too soon.  I figured I could always stay on the ridge and continue N without losing elevation if I was in error.  I quickly realized I was heading toward an unnamed lake at 8900’, and headed back to the NW.  It was steep, and there was no advantage in staying on the ridge.  I paid a heavy price for this unnecessary diversion later in the day crossing the saddle between WCP9 and D. O. Lee Peak.

Watson Peak above Iron Basin to the NE. I ended up having to lose some elevation after heading E too soon. I figured I could always stay on the ridge and continue N without losing elevation if I was in error. I quickly realized I was heading toward an unnamed lake at 8900’, and headed back to the NW. It was steep, and there was no advantage in staying on the ridge. I paid a heavy price for this unnecessary diversion later in the day crossing the saddle between WCP9 and D. O. Lee Peak.