Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

5 mountain goats, including two lambs, came bolting down from the D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle to this spot above the cascading waterfall that leads down to Cirque Lake on the left.  One lamb split off from the group, staying high above the tarn.  The others gathered just in front of the rock in the center of the photo.  I turned around to put the long lens on my camera, but when I turned back, they had vanished.  There were tracks in the snow.

5 mountain goats, including two lambs, came bolting down from the D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle to this spot above the cascading waterfall that leads down to Cirque Lake on the left. One lamb split off from the group, staying high above the tarn. The others gathered just in front of the rock in the center of the photo. I turned around to put the long lens on my camera, but when I turned back, they had vanished. There were tracks in the snow.