Idaho Exposure

Hiking, Climbing, Backpacking, Snowshoeing, Backcountry Skiing. Photos by Thomas Oetzell;

The final approach to the ascent to the D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle is strewn with huge potato bug looking insects I later learn from Tempe Regan, a biologist studying at BSU, are Mormon crickets.  The plan is to climb the firmer rock on the buttress on the left, to the horn, pass it on the left, and traverse to the ridge on a goat trail.  The route is steeper than it appears here, using a 30mm (35 mm equivalent) wide lens.  I’m concerned about lightning, having already felt a few passing raindrops, but have hea

The final approach to the ascent to the D. O. Lee/WCP-9 saddle is strewn with huge potato bug looking insects I later learn from Tempe Regan, a biologist studying at BSU, are Mormon crickets. The plan is to climb the firmer rock on the buttress on the left, to the horn, pass it on the left, and traverse to the ridge on a goat trail. The route is steeper than it appears here, using a 30mm (35 mm equivalent) wide lens. I’m concerned about lightning, having already felt a few passing raindrops, but have hea